Writing with distractions!

I forgot how much fun writing was with a five year old.  (When I first started writing, my kids were young, but I'm older now.  Less energy!  Less patience.)  I must have re-read and re-edited the same paragraph over and over.  Just like reading a book and you never get past the first chapter from interruptions.  Jaxson is a welcome distraction, but honestly, I started this post four hours ago and just now am finishing it!  Any parent, or even grandparent out there understands what I mean.....   two hours of working on spelling and number and shape games, 1 hour of hide and seek (how do you convince a 5 year old that he should find a new place to hide instead of the same one, twelve times....), and playing dinosaurs on the floor.  (Yeah, get a visual of that one in your head!)  So, now I'm starting on the next paragraph and am determined to get through that one!  Ten pages a day!  Not even close right now!